
Showing posts from June, 2022

Thanks You's, Chapbook #2, and I Need a Nap 6.19.22

     So ISOLATIONIST has been out for two weeks already. Hard to believe since it's felt like it JUST came out. You want to know something insane?? I've made enough funds from the book to not only fund the next one BUT it completely funded the NEXT project I have in mind after that (whichever one that may be). If all goes to the way I'd like it to, I'd LOVE for it to be a comic book project. Alas, I am not the captain that is steering my destiny. I just ride where the wind guides the sails, y'know?      But the reception has been completely beyond my expectations. Lots of greats feedback, people sharing their thoughts on their favorite poems, what they got out of it, and lots of other positive things. But nearly. Every. Single. Person. Had said the exact same thing to me regarding my mini-adventure and this book:       That they're proud of me.       Proud that I did it. That I'm going out of my way to chase my dreams...

ISOLATIONIST - Full Digital Copy

ISOLATIONIST Poems by Cody Wagner DEDICATED TO Richard “Richie” Wagner,  Brian Guile,  and Ryan Newcomb; Those that encouraged me to chase my dreams  but are no longer here. And to those still here, cheering me on Thank you, dearly.  You inspire me to keep chasing. "All Eyes Pierce"  All eyes pierce me with their indifference. I once viewed crowds as a sickness  to steer clear of to avoid infection. Their affection falsified,  Only as a guise to mask their discontent  and the bile spewing from putrid mouths, To avoid the biting down of venomous fangs. I made it a point to section myself off,  To not be bothered,  To avoid the hurt of their dagger-filled glances. But their second chances have ran out after one too many times.  Now they look to me no longer. They themselves can't bother with the idea of me. Me, just out in the open. Me, pushed to the side. Just me.  Alone.  Forgotten.  “Overstay”  I do not wish to ...