A truly terrific announcement I'm happy to say: My poetry chapbook. ISOLATIONIST, is now done. Writing is 100% done and I'll be moving onto the editing process. There will be 15 poems total. I had about 30 - 40 poems in all and cut it down to 15 that fit the theme of 'isolation,' which was harder than I thought until I wrote the very last one today. Then it all wrapped up beautifully, in my opinion.

    Now the hard part is over and I'll send the next couple of weeks editing it, polishing it until I think it's 100% ready for people to see and enjoy. 

    Damn was that a long process, but it was so enjoyable. Never has work felt so rewarding in all my years of slaving over something. Even if this isn't a huge splash, I'm really glad I did this. It reminds me of what I want to do for the rest of my life and just how much I enjoy writing, warts and all. 

    I really want to say thanks for everyone's that's been asking me for a copy, when it's out, and having general interest. It means the world to me and it gives me a sense of purpose in a world where sometimes I don't feel like I fit in. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! 

    I'll be seeing you all June 10th, with a finished book! More details soon to come. 


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