1,000+ Views on My Blog!!!!


I was looking over my blog stats and I've recently discovered that I hit over 1,000 views on my page?!?! That's amazing!!! 

    I started this thing in October 2020. My intentions with it were just to express myself through creative means instead of sad Facebook pity posts. I mean, I still do that time to time, but getting my thoughts out through words have definitely improved. I've posted inconsistently since then, but lately have stuck to a schedule with short fictions. Always stick with something manageable, I suppose. 

    Most of my views have come from the early ones, but that won't deter me from doing this still. I think I'll be doing this as long as the effort equals the reward of posting it. I'd really like to get into video essays one of these days as an "enhancement" of these blog posts because I think I'd get better traction with something people can watch as opposed to sitting down to read. Just a pipe dream, thinking out loud with it. So in the meantime as I build up to that I think I'd like to do more written out essays on here. It's been something I've been meaning to do since I made this page but was always hesitant to do so with insecurity reasons. "It won't be good enough," blah, blah, blah. I feel that just about with every post I do, but I digress. 

    Think I'm ready for that now. 

    I've got a lot to say and hope my engagement with an audience becomes more conversational. I much prefer that than me just spouting my nonsense into the ether and hearing nothing back. 

    But damn... 1,000 views??? That's incredible... 

    I've wanted to be a writer since I was a little kid. I have all these aspirations of what I want to do. But the main, main goal is to do the writing thing full time, as a job that pays my bills and not become a typical starving artist. That's it. Not become a millionaire, or become the next Hemingway or anything, just live my life comfortably while doing what I really, really love. I've been struggling with my purpose and aimlessness for many, many years, but damn... hitting 1,000 views is quite a milestone for someone just starting. And I haven't even begun to branch out outside my friend circle. That's quite something. It does give me a boost in confidence to keep on keeping on, whatever I'm doing. It may lead somewhere. 

So What are You Going to Do Next? 

    Well, at this moment, I'm due to release ISOLATIONIST, a short poetry collection of mine on June 10th! After that I'm working on my second short poetry collection in October filled with all my horror-esque poetry. Halloween's my favorite holiday so there's no way I'll be missing out on that. But that one is up in the air at the moment. I'll wait to see how the first one does.      

    Then I'll continue writing my short stories; both on my blog and just to myself. I'd like to get my quality good enough to start sending out to publications to finally get a foot in the day of the literary world. With that I'd like so enough to where I feel confident in doing longer pieces. Maybe a novel or two someday, who knows?

    I also have a million ideas on comic stuff. I have plenty of outlines and scripts, but alas comic artists are not easy to come by. So that has pretty much halted until I can afford to hire someone. 

    My band, Massive Denial, is working on our second album, so that's all good fun. I'm contributing to this one writing-wise, and I'm having a ball. Writing with those guys is pretty easy and smooth, so I'm happy we click well. Dunno when that's coming out, but expect some tunes out of me! 

    I'm also working on my first short film. I've loved films and filmmaking since I was a wee lad. I've always had a million ideas for film stuff but no one to really work with. So I decided to pull the trigger and just work on something myself. No one's going to do the thing for you, so you might as well do it yourself. No idea when work on that will begin, but the script is done and I'm awaiting on some collaborators to get to me on how to go about doing it. 

    Then I may be contributing to a website once more for music reviews as a contributing writer and will update you once I get more info. 

    Lastly, I'd like to get back into art and start doing paintings and comics on my own. The problem with that is that I'm just not good at it. So I'll have to find the discipline to dedicate so much time in a day to improve my work to get it to a level I'm content with. It's a new skill and discipline, but drawing is fun at the end of the day. Ironically, I've made more money doing art than any of my writing (so far, knock on wood.) 

    Holy shit, that's a lot on my plate. There's a reason I feel exhausted most days. But it is a labor of love and feel great doing all these things. 

    All in all, I just want to say thank you. All those that have peaked at what I've got going on here, you're really giving me the extra oomph to stay the course. I love you all dearly, this means so much to me. Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!


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