An Update: Life, Worry Warts, and Potential Poetry Book Release Date!


    Gotta love my consistency on these blogs. The beauty of having a small audience is that you know that I do this solely for me. I would do this a whole lot more if I simply had the time for it. I'm a busy guy, but in a good, healthy way and not one where my responsibilities possessed me and wears a "Cody" name tag. So I thought I'd give a little update from this past month or so. 

    One lesson I've learned recently is I've really got to chill the fuck out. I'm such a worry wart who expects the worst. I always worry about going to the doctor's in particular. Being a diabetic and living in a pretty tense time while not doing my best on dieting, I always have this thought that death is an inevitability. With recent losses in my life, that worry is not so far-fetched, although quite an extreme. One little ache in my heart and I'm all, "Whelp that's it for me. Peace." A great attitude for a twenty-six year old, right? Some do say I have an old soul. But I think that's just code for, "Shit, this youngster has already lost his serotonin." 

    So, I go to the doctor's on Monday, expecting an amputation or that I'm Bruce Willis and have been dead already at this point. I go through the whole checking in circus, all the hoops meant to be jumped, and I await for bad news. Except it didn't come. Instead I get "You're A1C is down 1.5%, your cholesterol is down, your weight is down, etc." Damn. That's some great news. My last visit I had gained percentages, but now my percentages were even less that the visit before that. Awesome. I live for another day and that's always a good thing. 

    Along with the good, I've been reconnecting with friends over an unusually busy winter and made some efforts on quality time for people. The absence of friends really did have a negative effect on me. I didn't even realize until I came back home from a hang out sesh that I realized that's what was bugging me. People are great and I should be more sociable. 

    I've also been picking up my hobby habits. I've been doodling again. I say doodle because it's surely not my best effort art endeavors. I'm definitely rusty and needed to dust off the ol' pencils and rebuild my abilities. But I do this periodically and just have to aim for consistency. As long as I'm still having fun with it, of course. That and keeping up with the writing. There's this, more poetry, writing a short film script, and more short stories before I build up to novellas and all that good stuff. I'll be sending odd some of my short stories to random publishers, so maybe I'll have some short stories out in the near future! Keeping in my habits eases my stress and creativity. 

    Speaking of poetry, I may have a more concrete plan of what I want to do for my poetry chapbook. I think I'll just have a pdf of the whole thing, I'll post it here on my blog, and I'll embed a donation link/Paypal to people who want to pay for it but are not compelled to do so by any means. I really admire a Pay What You Want method of payment because that gives the people the choice of what exactly your art is worth. People may want it for free or you'll get more because someone may think it's worth precisely that. 

    For a first release, I think that'll establish a pretty good indicator of how well my material is. If it does well, then shit, I have a pretty good start. If not, then there's always another time for more books to prove myself. No sweat. Any money I'm given will just be put back into any projects and equipment upgrades I'm currently working on. Poetry is pretty easily digestible for someone will no fanbase yet. Much more easy than short stories or novellas that require much more work (to me anyway).  

    With that being said, my poetry book will tentatively have a release date of June 9th, 2022, my 27th birthday! I pretty much get no more attention than on my birthday, so it's a wise choice to release it then. So in lieu of a gift or whatever, I just really want people to read what I've been working really hard on the past year. Donations or not, be damned. I just want to start my career in writing. An encouragement on my creative endeavors would make for a pretty great birthday to me. Stay tuned for more details! 


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