An Update: Life, Worry Warts, and Potential Poetry Book Release Date!
Gotta love my consistency on these blogs. The beauty of having a small audience is that you know that I do this solely for me. I would do this a whole lot more if I simply had the time for it. I'm a busy guy, but in a good, healthy way and not one where my responsibilities possessed me and wears a "Cody" name tag. So I thought I'd give a little update from this past month or so. One lesson I've learned recently is I've really got to chill the fuck out. I'm such a worry wart who expects the worst. I always worry about going to the doctor's in particular. Being a diabetic and living in a pretty tense time while not doing my best on dieting, I always have this thought that death is an inevitability. With recent losses in my life, that worry is not so far-fetched, although quite an extreme. One little ache in my heart and I'm all, "Whelp that's it for me. Peace." A great attitude for a twenty-six year old, right? Some do say...