Setting Goals - Show, Don't Tell
It's the second month of a new year and I've already tripped up on some goals I've set for myself. Most likely the cause is some mixture of self-sabotage and the catharsis of "finishing" something. I'll explain that in a bit. So for 2022, I've had a couple goals in mind. First, I wanted to write fifty-two short stories a week - one for each week of the year. Last week was the first one I've missed. Now this week I'm currently scrambling to write two stories as to not let myself slip away entirely. This is in junction with other writing projects I'm juggling (as I always do). Secondly, I also wanted to do this blog thing more consistently. The silence really speaks for itself on that one. The reasoning for that one is a little more psychological than running out of time for a small piece of fiction. If you know me, it's hard not to tell that I get inside my own head a lot. Typical cliches of the "suffering artist" - ...