Why a Blog? An Introduction

Why Tho? 

“Why start a blog, Cody?” Fair enough question, random citizen. Simply put, because! 

I think the major reason is to start up articles as a means of a communication tool for a guy that’s had trouble communicating for a hot minute. With death, pandemics, stress, and other factors, I’ve been quite the shut-in for the majority of 2020 and well, .. since I’ve been me. 

I’ve discovered about myself that I am much more comfortable writing long form and with time to plan my thoughts out. Even with writing status’ on social media platforms, what should only take a minute of shit-posting I could possibly take five to ten minutes meticulously plotting as to avoid embarrassment of an error that I carelessly threw out there. I’m way too analytical for my own good, truly. But that’s a problem of itself that’ll be addressed later down the line. 

I think this’ll be a nice tool for me to use to interact with you all! I’m a total shy person and I had this thought that these articles could act as lightning rods to people I normally wouldn’t interact with. 

Why Not Interact, Friendo? 

People are scary. Most of you are lovely people, do not get me wrong. However, the sheer thought of “bugging” any of you is deathly terrifying (back to that over analytical trait of mine). I would rather keep quiet than to invade your personal bubble. So, I do not typically chat with people unless I get messaged first just out of fear and self-consciousness. Most of the time my head usually goes, “Bleh, why would someone want a message from you? You’re (insert mean insult) and (unflattering adjective).” My brain can be a real asshole to me. 

That’s where this blog comes in! So, with my logic if there’s interaction here than I don’t have to bug anyone and I get that communication that 2020 is severely lacking. And if you don’t want to do so, than no one’s making you! Everyone wins I think.


Another point I’d like to make is that the more writing I get done, the more happier I am. If I don’t get a writing session in for even one day it throws my balance right off. It’s essential to jot down something, an article, notes on a story I’m working on, or a sentence or two to inspire a new one. A writer who doesn’t write is just a dick. “Oh, yes! When all the chores in the house are done this house will look GORGEOUS!” Well, the house isn’t clean! So get to it! Build up of a creative outlet doesn’t do anyone favors! So I'll use this outlet as a means to form good habits.

What to Expect?

Something tolerable I hope! I hope to just ease on the cynicism that’s been circling around lately. My spirit needs some lifting after all the trauma inflicted from that bitch that is 2020. Come to expect some positivity, random thoughts I have pop in my head, or some poetry and story snippets that I could extrapolate on. I’d also like to break down some parts of a piece of entertainment that speaks to me. I’m not into reviewing movies, or the sort, as I feel it gives my opinion any merit. Now, just who gives a goddamn if I like/hated a movie? Like an asshole, everyone has an opinion. And man, do I see a bunch of goddamn assholes lately. It’s empty. There’s no explanation as to what makes that piece good or bad, even though it’s all subjective. It’s grating and asinine to hear people’s precious negative word-vomit lately. Even though it’s a bit hypocritical that’d I start a blog about my own opinions I have, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Quite a few... things to... address. Hmmm...

Anyway! Hope you stick around! 


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