LUNARSONGS (Full Digital Version)

Forward: Today I release the follow up to ISOLATIONIST and that is… LUNARSONGS! Instead of the usual sad poems, this one is more focused on horror. A common theme I had when writing this particular batch of writings is nightmares I would have over the year. So I thought it’d be fun is this particular collection followed a single REM sleep and the nightmares that follow… with an appearance of a sleep paralysis demon thing. All fun stuff. So this too has a narrative like ISOLATIONIST does. In ISOLATIONIST, the idea is that the storm must pass over a difficult time in your life. In LUNARSONGS, the night has to end and you will wake up from the bad dreams… Or do you?!?! I promise to be more upbeat in my next collection. Probably not, but I’ll try. This is a Pay What You Want model and take whatever you want for it! $0? Sounds good. $5? Even better for me. And if you’d like a physical (hand made!) copy, get a hold of me and I’ll be happy to send a copy for $5 (plus shipping....